Take the risk or
lose the chance
lose the chance
A smile is “de rigueur”!
Every day, year round, we host events and our team welcomes your guests.
We take every step to deal with unexpected situations, even those you haven’t foreseen!
How do we do it?
A single contact with thorough knowledge of organisational issues.
That is essential for you.

When, vaguely worried, a week before your event you ask: “Didn’t we say…?”
He/she will go through your roadmap with you and provide solutions to all your concerns.
Your coordinator is the link between you and all the services of NEWCAP Event Center.
We offer hostess, cloakroom, and luggage storage service.
These are the basics of proper reception service. And a smile is also essential.
At NEWCAP Event Center we like to smile at people.
For your event, we provide signage, mobile reception desks, and LCD screens.
These will direct your, sometimes lost, sometimes late, guests.
We can enhance your event with tailor-made services.
Musical and culinary entertainment, decoration, cruises on the Seine… don’t hesitate to ask us.